Outward Behaviors of Chosen Children”!
1 Corinthians 12:8-10 it states, To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues.
Outward Behaviors of Chosen Children
The Spirit a message of wisdom: they may say that God told me this or God told me that and you are wondering how a 2-year-old can comprehend these things or speak on such levels of wisdom.
To another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit: this child may be aware that a relative is about to die or may have cancer in their body before they know it. It is true that people have shared how infants or toddlers would touch their grandma's area of the body where the cancer was developing and would hug and hold grandma or sooth grandma. Your child may tell you straight forward and even tell you what they are seeing or hearing. You may say to yourself, how can this child understand that something has changed or altered? I assure you that this child will be aware of certain things before you even have a chance to tell them. This child will even have what may seem like adult level knowledge on things that may be taking place or even before they take place.
To another faith by the same Spirit: this child will have a strong sense on faith in their everyday lives. They will utilize their faith in God daily even Moreso when they are faced with life challenges. You may see them appear to have so much confidence, be fearless and determined when doing Gods assignments.
To another gifts of healing by that one Spirit: this is a child who displays many levels of compassion for humans and animals with a heart to help them heal. Most parents may feel that this is just a normal thing as children are still innocent and do not know any better but to reveal love to all things. The difference is that this is an extraordinarily strong feeling where the child may even experience sadness or show strong concerns for people and animals wellbeing etc.
Some parents may not be aware of the fact that some children who have a higher level of compassion early on may have been called to have a strong connection with Gods' people or even animals healing. God will utilize this through your child to assist God's people. It can be different for each individual, but this child will have, demonstrate, and provide a high level of compassion for healing. They will have a strong connection with God through the leadership of the Holy Spirit. God's love for His people will lead them to love His people and to help His people and animals heal!
To another miraculous powers: This child may appear to have power that may seem unusual to you. The child may have great leaderships skills and their peers may follow them. They may know early on how things operate and how to get things done.
To another prophecy: your child has been called to hear and observe things that God has chosen for them to observe. It is possible that this gift may have visions, dreams, etc. This child will more than Likely be able to explain things unseen or unknown to others, which can be scary for everyone who has never experienced this kind of experience. Therefore, your child may present, knowing things that you never told them, telling you about the dream that they had about something and then it comes true. Etc. Your child may even have a dream or vision about something from your past that God may want you to heal from.
Please listen to them and do not disregard what they are saying. With this type of chosen gift and calling on the child, it may be extremely hard for you to understand what is taking place in your child’s life but what is most important is to not become afraid of what your child tells you that they see, smell, sense, hear etc. Take it to God and even to your trusted church leaders who are understanding and will help.
To another distinguishing between spirits: the child who can sense things or rather has an extremely high intuition or GUT feeling all the time, on any day and in every situation. Sometimes this child will exhibit behaviors that may appear moody, anxious, nervous, scary, sensory overload, combative and self-isolate at times. This child may even press a particular issue or topic about certain people and places to bring light to what the spirit of the Lord has expressed to them through discernment. The reason for this is because not only does your child perceive positive things, but they can also perceive negative things.
To be more distinct, the infant that allows many people or relatives to hold them, but when particular people come around or try to touch them, they become scared, anxious, or scream. Furthermore, they may become upset about going to certain places or visiting certain people. Now, if the child discerns good spirits, their behaviors may appear more normal, at ease or at peace. This is an excellent example of a child having strong senses early on to discern good from evil spirits whether in or around a person, place or thing.
To another speaking in different kinds of tongues: This child will be able to speak in different languages, different types of communication styles from different cultures, ethnic groups as well as Godly languages etc.
To still another the interpretation of tongues: This child will be able to understand different languages or may be able to understand different cultures, ethnic groups as well as Godly languages etc.
With a child being called early in life, it can have benefits but also challenges. If you are a parent or guardian who does not know how God wants you to help nurture their gifts, you can and will create a Hugh problem for the child and can cause confusion or even make them refuse or disregard their gift’s. Please don’t let the devil trick you or your child into thinking that your child is crazy or may have a mental health disorder or even a sensory disorder. The Holy Spirt may come upon them to lead them and guide them, while you as the parent learn to understand how to nurture them. For anyone who chose to help nurture the gift will help the child, protect the child and give them a safe place to grow and explore God's early calling upon their lives.
One last take away! If your child is diagnosed with any mental health issues, please know that God does not discriminate and will not only call but choose those who He sees fit to help His people. Never abandon the Power of Gods’ Word to help you with your child and any life challenges as they progress through their developmental stages.
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