The Power of Purpose

When children are born, their main purpose in life is to eat, sleep and poop. As they grow through the developmental milestones, each life purpose will change to fit the appropriate needs of the child. Now, right before adulthood, many teens are going through the last stages of figuring out who they are, what they like and don’t like and what they want to be when they grow up. Thats where the Life purpose question comes in. What Is My Life Purpose?

Here are some steps toward helping your teenager become aware of their life purpose:

  1. Growth Mindset - Continue to learn, explore and discover things in life that will help my mind and brain grow.

  2. Gratitude - Being thankful for my life and all that I have accomplished.

  3. Best Possible Self - Looking at your best possible self in your personal, academic, social and family life.

  4. SMART Goals - Creating goals that are: (S) Specific, (M) Measurable, (A) Actionable, (R) Realistic and (T) Timebound.

  5. Stages of Change - Where is my teen at in their willingness to make changes towards discovering their life purpose?

    1. Precontemplation - Your teen is in denial and is not seriously considering changing their behavior.

    2. Contemplation - Your teen can see reasons to change their behavior, but they are still hesitant.

    3. Preparation - Your teen has decided to change their behavior, and they begin to think about how to do so.

    4. Action - Your teen has made significant steps are taken to end the problem behavior.

    5. Maintenance - The changes made during the action stage are maintained.

Remember that change is hard even when it’s needed for something as important has finding out or discovering your life’s purpose!

If you believe that a teen in your life is ready to discover or explore their life purpose, book Life Coaching Session Today! Click here: Book Life Coaching Session Today!

